Rondo Island | Sector 9: Pearl of the Sea (33/40) Slippery Esh in Journey Mighty Party

Rondo Island | Sector 9: Pearl of the Sea (33/40) Slippery Esh in Journey Mighty Party

Slippery Esh

Journey Information
Island Sector Encounter
3: Rondo Island 3: Pearl of the Sea 32: Slippery Esh
Encounter Information
Recommended Might Rewards
70 souls
69,000 23,820 Golds
15,640 XP
Previous Encounter Next Encounter
Gruff the Callous Heavy-Handed Bolo
Slippery Esh is the 33rd encounter in the Pearl of the Sea sector of Rondo Island.


 ðŸ’–  HPSkill TypeDescription
3,300 💖  
Attacked: Gives 2 random enemies Miss for 1 turn
Enemy attacked: Deals 100damage to adjacent enemies


Level 26
Reborn 5
Scrap, the King of Garbage
Level 26
Reborn 5
Snake, the Lizard Prince
Level 26
Reborn 5
Cabas, Wasteland Lord
Level 26
Reborn 5

Groot, Silent Guardian
Level 26
Reborn 5
Tengu, Ravencrest
Level 26
Reborn 5
Sir Lancelot
Level 26
Reborn 5
Level 26
Reborn 5

How To Defeat Slippery Esh

 Boss Squad With 8 heroes this time there is no chaos hero so we can use Epic Octopus (Terror From Below) to prevent enemy heroes from attacking when they appear.

Because Slippery Esh's skill 1 is Attacked: Gives 2 random enemies Miss for 1 turn.
so please limit your attacks on the warlord when you have enough forces, then Vixen will be responsible for removing the warlord's blood

Since Terror only freezes the enemy hero for 1 turn, we need more Frost to freeze for 1 more turn and sets the enemy to 1 health. 

Previously, we could use skill 1 of the pirate warlord to destroy the other 1 health hero.
However, they recently fixed the Pirate's skill so that the enemy won't place the hero in the location of the lightning slot.

so we need to use 1 hero dame all (could be Eostre, Vlad, Loath,..) 
I chose Eostre because she can silence and increase allied health to help allies live longer

I chose Arthur so he freezes more heroes and more turns because Slippery Esh's skill 2 is Enemy attacked: Deals 100 Damage to adjacent enemies
so can't let the enemy attack

Watch the video to better understand how to fight Slippery Esh

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