Review hero Kung Fucius in Mighty Party gameplay
Kung Fucius
In the picture Kung Fucius at Level 16 and Reborn for the 2nd time, Suolbind all 4 steps
Kung Fucius introduction
1 Name Hero: Kung Fucius
2 Gender: Male
3 Rarity: Legendary
4 Type: Melee
5 Faction: Nature
Skill or Kung Fucius
Level 1 Reborn 0 Attack 10 HP 29
1. Attacked: Summons 4 runes 17 Damage on random enemy cells
2. Immunity
3. Enemy death: Gives +4Atk to allies for each enemy
Defects of Kung Fucius
1. The weakness of Kung Fucius is that it cannot receive any support from teammates and is also a strength that does not receive bad effects from enemies including silence or transformation..
2. Updating
2. Updating
Advantages of Kung Fucius
1. Kung Fucius is very good support for allies, you can use him as a building to increase attack for allies.
2. Skill 1 is greatly increased in just 1 turn, can summon runes to fill the enemy's cells
3. Kung Fucius cannot be silenced or transformed, or any other adverse effect on him
4. Kung Fucius' HP is also very high, the possibility of surviving 3 turns is very high
This hero in my assessment is only 9/10 stars
You should invest in her because she is one of the few heroes with the skill to clear bad effects on allies. and she can also silence enemy heroes.
The best combination of Kung Fucius
1. Heroes deal x damage all heroes like: Freddy, Mi Ten, Mr. Devil, Strik, Grace, Bastet,...
because he will increase the attack of his allies according to the number of heroes of the enemy, every time the enemy dies 1 hero
because he will increase the attack of his allies according to the number of heroes of the enemy, every time the enemy dies 1 hero
2. Heroes that reduce enemy attack, like tengu, morgen, Amaterasu,...
Support for Kung Fucius skill 1, help him live longer
3. Necro is also an option because he summons 2 heroes on the enemy side and those 2 heroes die on their own
The best way to beat Kung Fucius
Only heroes with high attack power can be used to kill him, like Dragara, Sheer-Shaa,...