Review of the hero Regardus Diplius in Mighty Party by NDLGamer

 Review of the hero Regardus Diplius in Mighty Party

Regardus Diplius

Regardus Diplius

1 Name Hero:Regardus Diplius

2 Gender: Male

3 Rarity: Legendary

4 Type: Ranged

5 Faction: Chaos

The skill of Regardus Diplius

1st skill:  End of Turn: Summons a Zombies 15/26

2nd skill: Attack: Silences the Attacked

3rd skill: Start of Turn: Gives +15 atk to allies(including self) for every Cursed enemy

 The skill of Zombies 

   1st skill: Death: Inflicts Curse 21 damage on enemies in a line

   2nd skill: Start of Turn: Gives +24 HP to allies (including oneself)

Defects of Regardus Diplius

1.  After the update he is very easy to die, because there is no longer a high hp building standing in front of him
2. His skill 3 requires him to survive until the next turn to activate, and as I said above, he is very difficult to survive.
3. Even the zombies he summons are too weak to protect him

Advantages of Regardus Diplius

1. Still retains his silence, I appreciate his ability

2. Dead zombies will curse on the enemy on the opposite side, it will help Regardus Diplius activate skill 3, but if the zombies are alive, he will increase the health of his teammates, generally a dilemma.

This hero in my assessment is only 5/10 stars

My advice is that if you want to experience it, you can buy it in the wish shop to use it, but I don't recommend it, because he's not a good hero.

The best combination of  Regardus Diplius

1. Heroes with Curse skill will help activate his skill 3 more powerfully such as: Void Jewel, Gremory, Freddy,...

2. Heroes with skills that activate when teammates summon like Mosura, Mother Owl, ..

The best way to beat  Regardus Diplius

many heroes can stop him, like Scrap, yorik, groot,...

Video How to use Regardus Diplius

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