How to choose heroes in the Legendary Draft when using Morgoth

How to choose heroes in the Legendary Draft when using Morgoth

1. About Morgoth

Let's start by talking about Morgoth - the absolute chaos lord. This guy packs three skills that'll make your opponents break a sweat. But wait, there's more! The crown jewel of his skillset is his third one: he summons three Soulbinder blades to the front row. If you thought that was bad news, wait till you hear the kicker - if your enemy can't destroy these three nasty pieces of work, it's game over for them. 

2. Heroes you should avoid choosing when using Morgoth

2.1. There are certain heroes with skills that can reduce the enemy's attack, and you should avoid using them when playing with Morgoth. This is because it can accidentally affect Morgoth's 2nd skill, which reduces his effectiveness. Morgoth's 2nd skill deals 150% damage to the enemy hero's attack per turn. If you reduce the enemy's attack, they won't be destroyed that turn and can deal significant damage. However, if you have no other choice, don't use these heroes too early. It's better to wait until you've used Morgoth's 2nd skill before using them. Serket sen Scorp, Scrap,  Snake, Morgen, Goliath.


2.2. You should avoid choosing heroes that can summon other heroes in the first row, as they will occupy all three Soulbinders' positions and reduce the effectiveness of Morgoth. These heroes include Cernum, Hanako, Mosura, Zor'ma, Loath, and others


3. If you encounter any hero on this list, choose them immediately. 

1. Aharin

2. Charon

3. Tengu

4. Flos

5. Villano

1. Nilen

2. Groot

3. Myrddin Caer

4. Eostre

5. Apollo

1. Aharin can be extremely effective when used in conjunction with Morgoth's skill 3. Every time he uses his phantom ability, 3 Soulbinders that deal damage, preventing the opponent from attacking and causing them to die quickly. Therefore, if you encounter Aharin in your Legendary Draft when playing with Morgoth, it is highly recommended to choose him immediately.

2. Charon will generate a lot of x2 runes, which will help Morgoth's third skill double its effectiveness every time we summon a ranged hero on the x2 rune position.

3. Tengu not only boosts the attack of allies but also reduces the attack of enemies  = 1 whenever a hero from the opposing side appears on the field. This will decrease the damage dealt by enemies and help the three Soulbinders survive longer.

4. Flos will summon 2 offspring, so he will shoot 3 times, thus increasing the effectiveness of Morgoth's third skill by 3 times.

5. Villano has the ability to increase the health of allies and heal Warlord, so he can support Warlord to survive longer and also increase the health of summoned Soulbinders when using Warlord's third skill, making him a good support for Morgoth. Note that Villano's attack reduction skill should not be used too early, as it will reduce the effectiveness of Morgoth's second skill.

6. Nilen's ability to summon many ranged heroes makes him a great support for Morgoth's 3rd skill.

7. Using Groot can be effective in countering an opposing team that uses Morgoth and Aharin. Groot can silence Aharin, allowing for effective use of Morgoth's third skill.

8. Myrddin Caer can also silence the soulbinders of the opponent and he can summon a ranged hero, so he is also a good support for Morgoth's third skill.

9, Eostre is also able to silence Aharin, just like Groot. Additionally, you can use her third skill in combination with Morgoth's third skill to deal x4 damage to all enemies at the beginning of each turn, including the 3 Soulbinders and Eostre, which can be quite powerful.

10. That's correct! Apollo's shields can provide great protection for the Soulbinders and also increase their attack when the shield is broken, making him a great choice to support Morgoth's team.

There are still many more heroes, but I haven't thought of any more at the moment. I will update regularly and hope that you will visit my website often. Thank you all.

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  1. so that's the reason why you don't need cernun archdruid when using morgoth dark reaper it will make a soulbinder Blade will reduce the damage
