Mighty Party Beginner's Guide

Mighty Party Beginner's Guide

Hello everyone, This is a tutorial article for beginners or those who want to play the game Mighty Party again. This is a written article that I have wanted to make for a long time but haven’t had the time, and now I’m starting to do it. First of all, you need to know what your goal is? Do you want to reach League 1 quickly? Do you want to get as many heroes as possible? Do you want to experience all the features of the game in the most effective way? In this written article, I will guide you on how to reach League 1 as quickly as possible because the other two goals can be achieved if you have time.

1. Choose your heroes carefully

This is the decisive step for your chance to rank up quickly. Initially, your team will have about 8 basic legend heroes, but it will take some time to have all 8 of those heroes, at first you will have to fight using a team with only rare epic, with this basic lineup you can reach league 21,22 After that, you will participate in some events to choose heroes such as the wish shop, Chosen event,… This is the time to decide which 8 heroes you will use to reach League 1 as quickly as possible. I suggest a pretty strong team for you, so it’s easier for you to rank up.

Charon, soul catcher Groot Tengu Aharin Void Jewel Deadlord Alex Yorik The recommended Warlord is Morgoth The recommended Pet is Sentry Fenrir

2. Playing strategy

At first, you won’t be able to buy warlord Morgoth because they sell by week so you will use Son of Wood After you get the legend hero named Count Vlad, switch to using warlord Trixy As for leveling up heroes, don’t rush to level up heroes, wait until the level-up event is paid with gems, every 2 weeks There will be one, Your job is to be patient in fighting in the hall of fame to earn as many souls and gold as possible, waiting for the day of leveling up, I’m sure that every time you reach the leveling up period, you will be able to go up 2 leagues at a time, remember to upgrade warlords too.

When you reach the league where they allow buying pets, buy a legend pet (either wolf or dragon), and don’t buy other pets yet, if there isn’t one this week then wait for 1 or 2 weeks. I think you should buy a pet before saving gems to buy a warlord because a strong pet can be useful when fighting in the dark tower.

Now try your best to reach League 14, try your best by leveling up boost hero boost with the guild,… after reaching League 14 they will let you play Legendary draft (this is where you can earn good gems and many other rewards), and once you reach League 14 stay there for a month for yourself, just focus on Legendary Draft,

Why am I telling you to stay in league 14 and not go any further the higher you go the more experienced enemies you will encounter and it will be harder to fight and you will only lose gems instead of getting gemstones. I have some articles and write articles about playing Legendary Draft strategies. The link is in my description. Please take the time to watch it so that you can gain experience in playing better and choosing better hero warlords than other new players because those who reach League 14 just start playing Legendary Draft are usually inexperienced so they will have very bad choices and strategies until they have enough experience then they have gone up higher leagues so if you stay there with good army selection strategy you will earn a lot of gems and scrolls,… which will be used after you earn enough to go up league 1.

During this time if you max gold then level up some heroes. Don’t participate in global events (runes event) to avoid having too many heroes which will reduce the probability of getting out of 8 important heroes. If participating then just spin rare and epic chests is also okay.

3. Fast league-up strategy

After a month of trying hard playing Legendary Draft, you own a large amount of gems, Scrolls, and gold (I think the best milestone is 100k gems, 300 scrolls) Then start your battle, First, go into the guild and boost everything in the guild, then summon x10 a few times to get cards and level up the main team legend heroes. When you see enough might be suggested, go into the Hall of Fame and try to go up one league, Going up two leagues is even better, then summon a few more times, level up enough might to fight in that league then go out and fight again, just do that, because the higher the league, the more souls you get when you summon so just enough might then stop summoning and climb the league up no more then go back to summon,… because you have few heroes, the rate of entering your main team heroes will be very high so you will have more opportunities, If you follow this strategy I think it will only take you about 3-5 months to reach League 1, in case they don’t nerf the heroes I suggested above, if they neft then you need to have a strategy to change other heroes, Even if you can’t reach League 1, at least you can reach League 4 or 5 and then be patient for a while because there are few heroes so there will be many opportunities to enter the main team so it will gradually increase might and faster than those who own up to 200 heroes like me. They have added a Season section in the Hall of Fame so this is also a good part for you to earn legends because there are only new players here so it will be very easy for you. when owning a wolf pet and Morgoth. You can watch my previous combat strategies so that when using Morgoth you can be more confident to climb leagues here: 4. Resource-saving strategy Rebirth Wait for the event center to have a rebirth quest that returns 10% souls then rebirth to get more souls (recently I haven’t seen that event anymore, so I’m not sure if it’s due to an error or something, so I still put this suggestion here) Level up hero and warlord, wait for the level-up event to get gems before leveling up because at first, you will have very few heroes so there won’t be many levels to level up in events like earning coins or paying gold. Join a guild and participate in guild regularly to accumulate boost points, Regularly fight Dark and the Pit for coins to buy legends, Participate in tasks in the Center Event to earn coins to buy desired legends, Avoid participating in Pet of the week and Warlord of the week, once you buy wolf pet and Warlord Morgoth then start participating in that later. Wish you quickly achieve high rankings :D

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