Mighty Party - Ranking the best Heroes used in Legendary Draft by NDLGamer

 Mighty Party - Ranking the best Heroes used in Legendary Draft by NDLGamer
Legendary Draft

Based on my little knowledge of the game Mighty Party and especially in Legendary Draft, I rank the heroes to choose to increase the probability of winning the most for you.
I feel this new mode is pretty cool you can get a lot of gems from Legendary Draft, but it's a thing like gambling, so there will be so-called bad luck, This is just an opinion article. About how to choose Hero so that you can easily win, not 100% sure you will win because it depends on your enemies.

Here is a chart made by myself, you can contribute more comments in the comment section for me to edit more. :D

  1. Coba, Temple Keeper

  2. Dead Lord

  3. Cabas, Wasteland Lord

  4. Charon, Soul Catcher

  5. Arthur Frost Blade

  6. Jörmun Grand

  7. Ball'Zt, the Warden

  8. Shadow Shaa-Moona

  9. Dominus, the Swarm King

  10. Dandy Croc

  11. Ogrok, the Leader

  12. Kung Fucius

  13. Snake, the Lizard Prince

  14. Morgan, the Sea Tusk

  15. Apep, Aspect of Chaos

  16. General Zor'Ma

  17. High Tinker Gear

  18. Fury, the great warrior (Warlord Anna)

  19. Groot, Silent Guardian

  20. Koschei the Immortal

  21. King Taurus

  22. El Mariachi

  23. Count Vlad

  24. Erik the Grey

  25. Stormrage

  26. Chernomor

  27. Cernun, Archdruid

  28. Griffius, the Celestial

  29. Mr. Flap

  30. Freddy, Lord of Terror

  31. Chuba Cabras

  32. Amaterasu, Eternal Sun

  33. Serket Sen Scorp

  34. Arioch Nemesis Weapon

  35. Mosura Wind Breath

  36. Airavata Heaven's Fury

  37. Morgen Von Stern

  38. Toxic Mantas

  39. Taeral Kelhorn

  40. Deep Maw

  41. Sheer-Shah

  42. Sir Lancelot

  43. Bastet

  44. Goliath

  45. Prince Nod

  46. Axe

  47. Marquis de Sat

  48. Queen Ananta

  49. Hanzo Sama

  50. Titania

  51. Matriarch Eona

  52. Enlil, wind of change

  53. Iceberg

  54. Loath, Spore Loser

  55. Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox

  56. Super Mary

  57. Ysh'Tmala, The Old God

  58. Bravi, Deadly Blade

  59. Diana, Amazonian Queen

  60. D'Arc, Iron Maiden

  61. Triton, The Bottom Herald

  62. Angelia the Lightbringer

  63. Shao Lin

  64. Jaxy, the Thunderfist

  65. Tsukumogami

  66. All, Prince of Sands
  67. Kong, Monkey King

  68. Scrap, the King of Garbage

  69. Legion, God of War

  70. Dhorin

  71. Mr. Devil
  72. Prince 
  1. Frost, the Snow Queen

  2. Arachne

  3. Ghosta

  4. Tengu, Ravencrest

  5. TNT, Crazy Demolitionist

  6. Mizu, the Sea Foam

  7. Apollo

  8. Poison Flos

  9. Necro, Master Lich

  10. Madam Agony

  11. Mina Hellsing

  12. Villano Mad Genius

  13. Aharin Gods Will

  14. Ondine the Foamborn

  15. Justia, Law Goddess

  16. Myrddin Caer

  17. Yuri, Shadow Dagger

  18. Hoodoo

  19. Madam Lo'Trix

  20. Eostre the Dawn Glow

  21. Tai Ling Dragon Dance

  22. Grace of Rockfleet

  23. Gremory Night Child

  24. Vixen, The Storm Lord

  25. Yorik, the Risen One

  26. Grand Ma, Reaper

  27. Draggara

  28. Alexandria

  29. Blair

  30. Leader Nilen

  31. Evil "Santa"

  32. Regardus Diplius

  33. Aphrodite

  34. Hanako Lady Banshee

  35. Melia, Forest's Daughter

  36. Discordia

  37. Miss Lapin

  38. Red Woman

  39. Strik, The Fiery Heart

  40. Mjolnir, Lightning God

  41. Lady Medusa

  42. Tani Windrunner

  43. Tortulus, the Wise One

  44. Onmoraki

  45. Anak, Princess Dragon

  46. Mother Owl

  47. Athena

  48. Maeve

  1. Void Jewel

  2. Tesla X

  3. Life Palace

  4. Vanakauri

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