- Coba, Temple Keeper
- Dead Lord
- Cabas, Wasteland Lord
- Charon, Soul Catcher
- Arthur Frost Blade
- Jörmun Grand
- Ball'Zt, the Warden
- Shadow Shaa-Moona
- Dominus, the Swarm King
- Dandy Croc
- Ogrok, the Leader
- Kung Fucius
- Snake, the Lizard Prince
- Morgan, the Sea Tusk
- Apep, Aspect of Chaos
- General Zor'Ma
- High Tinker Gear
- Fury, the great warrior (Warlord Anna)
- Groot, Silent Guardian
- Koschei the Immortal
- King Taurus
- El Mariachi
- Count Vlad
- Erik the Grey
- Stormrage
- Chernomor
- Cernun, Archdruid
- Griffius, the Celestial
- Mr. Flap
- Freddy, Lord of Terror
- Chuba Cabras
- Amaterasu, Eternal Sun
- Serket Sen Scorp
- Arioch Nemesis Weapon
- Mosura Wind Breath
- Airavata Heaven's Fury
- Morgen Von Stern
- Toxic Mantas
- Taeral Kelhorn
- Deep Maw
- Sheer-Shah
- Sir Lancelot
- Bastet
- Goliath
- Prince Nod
- Axe
- Marquis de Sat
- Queen Ananta
- Hanzo Sama
- Titania
- Matriarch Eona
- Enlil, wind of change
- Iceberg
- Loath, Spore Loser
- Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox
- Super Mary
- Ysh'Tmala, The Old God
- Bravi, Deadly Blade
- Diana, Amazonian Queen
- D'Arc, Iron Maiden
- Triton, The Bottom Herald
- Angelia the Lightbringer
- Shao Lin
- Jaxy, the Thunderfist
- Tsukumogami
- All, Prince of Sands
- Kong, Monkey King
- Scrap, the King of Garbage
- Legion, God of War
- Dhorin
- Mr. Devil
- Prince
- Frost, the Snow Queen
- Arachne
- Ghosta
- Tengu, Ravencrest
- TNT, Crazy Demolitionist
- Mizu, the Sea Foam
- Apollo
- Poison Flos
- Necro, Master Lich
- Madam Agony
- Mina Hellsing
- Villano Mad Genius
- Aharin Gods Will
- Ondine the Foamborn
- Justia, Law Goddess
- Myrddin Caer
- Yuri, Shadow Dagger
- Hoodoo
- Madam Lo'Trix
- Eostre the Dawn Glow
- Tai Ling Dragon Dance
- Grace of Rockfleet
- Gremory Night Child
- Vixen, The Storm Lord
- Yorik, the Risen One
- Grand Ma, Reaper
- Draggara
- Alexandria
- Blair
- Leader Nilen
- Evil "Santa"
- Regardus Diplius
- Aphrodite
- Hanako Lady Banshee
- Melia, Forest's Daughter
- Discordia
- Miss Lapin
- Red Woman
- Strik, The Fiery Heart
- Mjolnir, Lightning God
- Lady Medusa
- Tani Windrunner
- Tortulus, the Wise One
- Onmoraki
- Anak, Princess Dragon
- Mother Owl
- Athena
- Maeve
- Void Jewel
- Tesla X
- Life Palace
- Vanakauri