Review of the hero Dandy Croc in Mighty Party by NDLGamer

 Review of the hero Dandy Croc in Mighty Party

Today I will review for you a hero that is quite strong but rarely used by everyone, he can change his skills and steal HP from all enemies including shielded enemies. He's on the Nature side, he's Dandy Croc

Things you may not know about Dandy Croc

"Dandy Croc has lost the only person he ever cared about but an old witch has told him that Lord Guardian can bring people back to life, ...

No one lives peacefully in the swamp of Pangea. Dandy Croc knows all about it. As the most dangerous thug in the area, .......... Luckily, he recently met a kind woman Mariko, and she tried. curb this reptile's ferocious temper... But who knows for how long? " 

What is Dandy Croc's design in Mighty Party?

Dandy Croc

1 Name Hero: Dandy Croc

2 Gender: Male

3 Rarity: Legendary

4 Type: Melee

5 Faction: Nature

The skill of Dandy Croc

1st skill: Steals 9HP from the enemies

2nd skill: Attacks: Steals 6Atk from enemies

3rd skill: Enemy Attacks: Gets Spikes 5Damage

source: Mighty Party Wiki

Defects of Dandy Croc

1. Skill 1 won't work if the enemy side has too few heroes or no heroes at all
2. Dandy Croc's Dame and HP are both low so he depends a lot on the enemy side

Advantages of  Dandy Croc

1. If the enemy side has many low HP heroes (summoner), his advantage is very high, robbing the opponent's hp and being able to destroy a lot of enemies.

2. If the enemy side has no silence or transform, he can be a destroyer, when he attacks he can lose health or be destroyed.

3. He might increase his attack by a significant amount if not stopped in time

The best place to place Dandy Croc

You should put them in the last position because he will get the highest damage spike if the enemy has no one or few heroes,
and if there are many heroes you should put Croc in front of 1 enemy hero in the last position

This hero in my assessment is only 8/10 stars

I don't have any advice for you about this hero, because, in the Hall of Fame, almost everyone owns a silent hero

The best combination of  Dandy Croc 

1. If he gets an extra attack, he will have excellent attack power from robbing the enemy 1 more time, you can choose Charon or Discordia

2. If he is attacked, the enemy will take damage from the spike, so he is protected by Shield is also a good choice: Charon, Amaterasu, Apollo,...

3. With the ability to steal attacks from the enemy, he can combine with some heroes who can reduce the enemy's attack to make the enemy unable to attack anymore such as Villano; Morgen, The Sea Tusk

The best way to beat Dandy Croc 

1. Indirect destruction such as Strik, Grace, ...
2. The only hero silence or Transform that can stop him is Groot, Silent Guardian, Dead Lord,.
3. freeze him to prevent him from attacking us, you can use Frost, The Snow Queen; Arthur Frost Blade; Vixen, The Storm Lord

Warlord should be used with Dandy Croc 

1. Jimmy: I think Jimmy supports Croc quite well because Jimmy's skill 1 will make Croc harder to kill and so he will have more spikes, and will kill more enemies
Jimmy's skill 3 changes ranged and building to 1 hp, then Croc's skill 1 will destroy all enemies except melee

2. Cookie: Cookie's skill 1 is to summon 2 gift boxes on the enemy side, if the box is destroyed, it will deal damage to the nearby enemy heroes, so when using Croc, his skill 1 will eliminate all heroes standing next to the gift boxes of the Summoned Cookie

3. Efreet: Skill 3 của Efreet có thể hỗ trợ Dandy Croc bằng cách bổ sung thêm các cuộc tấn công cho anh ta và sẽ giúp anh ta cướp được nhiều cuộc tấn công hơn

Video How to use Dandy Croc

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2. Review of the hero Yuri, Shadow Dagger in Mighty Party

3. Review of the hero Arthur Frost Blade in Mighty Party

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