Review of the hero Holda in Mighty Party by NDLGamer

 Review of the hero Holda in Mighty Party

This is a hero in my opinion is normal, she has the ability to freeze but is passive, has the skill to steal enemy HP but her HP is low, her name is Holda of Chaos faction, is 1 of the few melee heroines of the Chaos phe faction

Things you may not know about Holda

"Years ago before the events of the film, Holda was an ordinary woman who had a few children. One, in particular, was a young girl in a pink cap. When she was stricken by an illness, Holda's husband sought an enchantress to cure her.

The enchantress does so, but at the cost of her getting dark powers. The powers gave her the ability to look into the future. After many villagers sought her for her premonitions, the girl shortly starts killing them, including her father whom she enticed into placing a hot metallic rod in his mouth. Enraged, Holda attempted to abandon her in the woods, but she still lingered in her mind..." 

source: Villains Wiki 

What is Holda's design in Mighty Party?


1 Name Hero: Holda

2 Gender: Female

3 Rarity: Legendary

4 Type: Melee

5 Faction: Chaos

The skill of Holda

1st skill: Attacks an enemy: Steals 10HP from them (can trigger 1 time per turn)

2nd skill: Attacks an enemy Warlord: Steals 20HP from them (triggers 1 time per turn)

3rd skill: Attacked: Freezes enemies in line for 1 turn

4th skill: Start of Turn: Cleanses themself

source: Mighty Party Wiki

Defects of Holda

1. Holda's a hero with a tank role but her HP is too low, I think she will be easily destroyed if the enemy attacks her indirectly.
2.Her attack is also too low, even if the enemy's attack is reduced, she becomes useless

Advantages of  Holda

1. The strong point is that she is not hit by bad effects like poison, bleed, freeze,...

2. With her 3rd ability she can block enemies with attack x2,x3 times

3. This is the first hero who has the skill to steal the warlord's hp, I think this is a strong point because this skill will make the enemy unable to leave in front of her empty, but if you hit her, it will freeze.

This hero in my assessment is only 7/10 stars

The decision to invest or not is up to your preferences, but I do not appreciate her,

The best combination of  Holda 

1. She can be combined with heroes with skills that activate when the enemy is frozen like Vixen, Jormun, ...

2. with skill 3 being attacked, it will freeze 1 enemy line, she needs an extra shield so a good combination can be: Charon, Apollo, Amasterasu,...

3. With her HP being so low she can combine with: Mr Flap, Eostre

4. Also she can combine with Aphrodite because she has the ability to increase health every turn, and Aphrodite heals her every time she loses health and Aphrodite will deal damage to enemy warlord based on her HP

The best way to beat Holda 

1. Indirect destruction such as: Strik, Grace, ...
2. The only hero silence or Transform that can stop him is Groot, Silent Guardian, Dead Lord,..
3. Prevent her from attacking like: freeze, reduce her attack to 0, use flying hero to block in front of her

Warlord should be used with Holda 

Regarding Warlord, I think any warlord is fine because I don't think she's picky about warlords, and she doesn't get any buffs for her by any warlord.

Video How to use Holda 

View more: 

1. Review of the hero Apollo in Mighty Party

2. Review of the hero Yuri, Shadow Dagger in Mighty Party

3. Review of the hero Arthur Frost Blade in Mighty Party

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