Today we will review a hero of the Order faction with the ability to create shields for teammates is extremely impressive and the ability to increase attack for teammates is extremely strong, He is Apollo
In Greek mythology, Apollo (tiếng Hy Lạp: Απόλλων Apóllon)
"Apollo is the god of light, truth, and art in Greek mythology, usually represented as a blond boy, wearing a silver bow and carrying a lyre. He is the illegitimate son of Zeus and Leto. Apollo's twin sister was the hunting goddess Artemis. In Homer's writings, Apollo is often referred to as the god who shoots miles away. In the period after Apollo was often identified with the sun god Helios.
Apollo is the ruler of disease, beauty, light, healing, settlers, medicine, archery, poetry, prophecy, dancing, reason, the power of reason, shamans and guardians of flocks or herds of livestock.
The most common symbols of Apollo are the lyre and the bow."
1. The weakness of apollo is that its HP is quite low, If you don't receive a shield, the chance of dying will be very high
2. I don't appreciate skill number 3 because I don't like heroes with Death skill, Simply put, if I encounter a hero that is too strong, I will either silence or transform
3. With the attack buff too fast, it is easy to get the opponent's counter-damage
Advantages of Apollo
1. He buffs attacks extremely hard for both his teammates and himself
2. Apollo creates Shields for his teammates quite a lot, when meeting enemies using summon heroes, he has the ability to create Shields for the whole team
3. With the ability to reduce the enemy's damage, if combined with some heroes with the same skill, the enemy may not be able to attack.
This hero in my assessment is only 8/10 stars
I think if you like fast attacking play then you should pick him
The best combination of Apollo
1. Apollo can combine with heroes to create Shield that will support him very strongly: Charon, Soul Catcher, Amaterasu, Eternal Sun, Blair, Shadow Shaa-Moona,...
2. You can use a hero with the reborn skill to support his skill 3 like: Apep
3. Apollo can be combined with heroes with damage reduction skills that will make the enemy unable to attack such as: All, Prince of Sands, Villano Mad Genius,...
4. Should go with some hero silence or transform to avoid counter-damage: Groot, Alexandria,..
The best way to beat Apollo
1. Heroes with the ability to silence can stop him like Eostre the Dawn Glow, Groot, Silent Guardian, ..
2. heroes with dame deals skills such as: Yorik, the Risen One, Yuri, Shadow Dagger, ..
3. When encountering Apollo, absolutely do not use heroes with summon skills, because the enemy side will have a full shield.
Warlord should be used with Apollo
Anna: with Anna's ability to create shields on turn 2, it is very suitable to use Apollo because he will increase the attack of his allies a lot,...
Morgoth: If you use it at the right time, Apollo can create Shield for 3 Warlord morgorth buildings, thus increasing the absolute power of the morgoth.
Adam Soccer: With Adam Soccer's 2nd skill summon 3 ranged with shield, so it will combine well with Apollo's 2nd skill
Og'ord Crusher: Just like Morgoth, Ogre's skill 3 also summons 3 buildings if you place Apollo at the right time, 3 buildings will be Shielded.