Ranking Warlords in Mighty Party by NDLGamer(December 29 update)

 Ranking Warlords in Mighty Party by NDLGamer

After being requested by many friends, I decided to write an article about which warlords are strong and which are weak so that everyone can choose and own them.

This is just my personal opinion after learning and using a number of warlords, if you feel it needs to be corrected, you can comment to let me know so I can correct it, or I will review the list with you. whose book is correct :D

  1.  Dark Reaper Morgoth
  2. Og'ord Crusher
  3. Anna the Abyss Queen
  4. Oiran the Red Moon
  5. Sir Biscuit
  6. Jimmy Rokerboy
  7. Trixy, Cheerleader
  8. White Shaman
  9. Freebooster Date
  10. Rajan Flaming
  11. Harbinger of Darkness
  12. Void, Soccer Referee
  13. Spider Queen
  14. Adam Soccer
  15. King of the North
  16. Beer, Soccer Fan

1. Dark Reaper Morgoth

Morgoth is a new but very strong warlord, he belongs to the chaos system but his skills are suitable for all heroes, Skill 1 is a bit weak, but his remaining 2 skills are extremely strong, There are many reasons to put him in the first places, like his skill 3 can take down Og'ord's skill 3, and kill a lot of heroes, his skill 2 can kill all ranged heroes, and Some melee heroes.

2. Og'ord Crusher

Og'ord is a nature type warlord, this is a very popular warlord among those in high leagues, He specializes in healing and silence, a very durable warlord, He is a warlord type that can Can coordinate with all heroes, not picky heroes, so my boss is in 2nd place.

3. Anna the Abyss Queen

This is a new warlord, she's more of a shield hero, I think she's still very strong. Her skill 3 is forever, but must survive until turn 7, so the squad that goes with her needs to protect her to survive the longest, so it's a bit picky.
To combine with her skill 3, you can choose heroes with extra attack skill like: Fury, Dominus, Charon, Scrap,..
and Heroes with summon like: Tai Ling, flos, Ball'zt, Mosura,...

4. Oiran the Red Moon

This is the 4th warlord in my ranking. She just got her skill fixed in 2022, her skill 1 and skill 2 can kill all enemies, so her skill in my opinion is extremely good, skill 3 is also impressive you can steal HP of enemy warlord, sometimes can kill opponents instantly,

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